Introducing Cake Smash Sessions
Congratulations! Can you believe it? You did it, you made it through the 1st year! I know its hard to believe that your precious little baby is already one year old. Your baby is about take their first steps and soon and the will have a whole new world at their finger tips. Hence, its time to celebrate this exciting new milestone with a Cake Smash!

Therefore, Mint Photography by Melanie Maxine is proud to announce we are now offering cake smash sessions! Cake smash photos are a great way to commemorate your babies first birthday and in many cases your babies first time eating sweets! But lets be honest, I am sure daddy has already slipped baby a bite of pudding or ice cream behind mommy’s back.

Cake smash sessions start off with an adorable portrait of your baby in their cute outfit before the mayhem takes place. Then we will introduce your little darling to the magical layers of deliciousness called “cake”. Things will never be the same! They will dig in, some times they want to eat it, some times they want wear it. Either way, we will capture every precious moment of the heart warming experience.

Furthermore, rather than handing over a frosted baby hopped up on sugar to mom and dad, we add a bubble bath! Bubble bath images are my absolute favorite! Babies love, love, love bubbles, and it tends to bring out even bigger smiles than the cake does! Your baby will go home fresh and clean and ready for a nice nap. Finally ,leave the cake smash aftermath clean up to me. Go home and enjoy your little sweet heart for the rest of the day.

Contact us to set up your Cake smash session in our Albuquerque Studio. Cake smash photos make great first birthday celebration invites, so plan accordingly! I look forward to having a blast and making a mess with you and your loved ones. Lets get messy!