In-Studio Newborn Session
Miss Rhyan is such a precious little doll I loved having her here in my Albuquerque Studio for her newborn session. She was just perfection and she was so much fun to shoot because her mommy and grandma had so many fun ideas. We did a lot of fun different set ups that were absolutely gorgeous! I love it when parents get involved and express their creativity! It was a day full snuggles, ideas, and cutness. I always encourage my parents to bring in something that has meaning to them. I do my best to incorporate it into their photographs. It just add a layer of personalization to the session and makes the images all the more special to the family.

Little Miss Rhyan looked great in pink and she had the most adorable rosy cheeks. Newborns are my absolute favorite subject to photograph. They make my heart skip a beat, every session every time.

I decide to throw together a composite image of baby in a field of flowers just for fun. I think mom really enjoyed it and I really thought it was super cute. What do you guys think about composite images, do you like them? Would you like something like this incorporated in your images? Let me know in the comments.
I am trying to download a couple of Rhyan’s 1st birthday pic. Can you help me